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  • Lady Bay Primary School won the Notts Schools' FA Girls 7-a-side tournament and will represent Nottinghamshire in the Midland Regional event in March - they will join Middleton Primary who won the School Teams event last November.



From Nottingham:- Along Canal Street and onto Castle Boulevard bearing left into Wilford Street/Wilford Road at the corner of the new Evening Post building. Follow Queen’s Drive as far as the roundabout at the Nottingham Ring Road. Continue straight across the roundabout, underneath the Ring Road, and enter Lenton Industrial Estate West. Turn IMMEDIATELY left into Lenton Lane. Follow this lane round a sharp right hand bend and the ground is 200 metres on the right.

From the North:- Follow the A60 as far as its junction with the Nottingham Ring Road in Daybrook. Turn right onto the Ring Road and continue along it past the Queen’s Medical Centre. Go over the Dunkirk fly-over and as you approach Clifton Bridge take the left hand lane, signposted Lenton Industrial Estate and City Centre A453. (Do not go over Clifton Bridge). At the roundabout get in the right hand lane and turn right underneath the Ring Road into Lenton Industrial Estate West. Turn IMMEDIATELY left into Lenton Lane. Follow this lane round a sharp right hand bend and the ground is 200 metres on the right.

From the South:- Follow the A453 from Junction 24 of the M1 as far as CliftonBridge over the River Trent. Whilst crossing the Bridge take the left hand lane signposted Lenton Industrial Estate which drops down to a roundabout. At the roundabout turn left into Lenton Industrial Estate West. Turn IMMEDIATELY left again into Lenton Lane. Follow this lane round a sharp right hand bend and the ground is 200 metres on the right.

If coming from the north via the M1, leave the motorway at Junction 26 and follow A610 until its junction with the Nottingham Ring Road. Turn right onto the Ring Road and follow to the Queen’s Medical Centre. Follow instructions From the North above.

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