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  • Girls County 7-a-side Tournament for rearranged for Saturday 25th January 2025

2017 - 2018

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 July 2018 at Stanhope Primary School at 6.30pm

Present R Donnison C Cook C Burgess R Bateman I Baxter M Simmonds

J Williamson R Young

1. Apologies S Abbott R Hirst J Hargreaves B Shackley J Waterall P Smith

2. Minutes of the

last meeting The minutes of last season’s AGM were read and accepted.

3. Matters arising There were no matters arising

4. Correspondence There was no correspondence

5. Annual Report The Annual Report was received and accepted. Acknowledgement was made of the award of the B.E.M. to Bob Donnison. Thanks were given to John Williamson for the preparation of the report.

6. Treasurer’s

Report As the date of the AGM had been put back one week, the Treasurer was not able to attend the meeting. He had forwarded a copy of the Association’s accounts but these were not accepted by the meeting.

It was agreed to ask the Treasurer to present the balance sheet again at the next Committee Meeting.

7. Election of

Officers The Chairman, Bob Young, proposed and was seconded by Ian Baxter that the Executive Council Officers be elected as per the Agenda but excluding the position of Treasurer as he was not present to confirm whether he was willing to stand. All in favour.

8. Election of

Members The Chairman, Bob Young proposed and was seconded by Ian Baxter that the Executive Council Members and the Committee Members be elected as per the Agenda. All in favour.

9. Expenses It was confirmed that travel expenses will be paid at 25p per mile to all Officers and Team Managers.

It was agreed that all ‘dispersments’ should remain the same for next season.

10. Affiliation Fees

& Competition

Entry Fees It was agreed that the District Affiliation fees remain the same for the next season but that the County Cup entry fees would rise to £10 per competition.

The meeting closed at 7.15pm

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